
Complete Barn Control and Automation

DairyLink is designed to enable producers to have greater insight and control into their on-farm operation utilizing cutting edge automation technology.

DairyLink can be as simple or as complex as desired. The main difference in DairyLink from tradition dairy control systems is that it is infinitely expandable to meet your needs now and in the future.

Rather than having numerous stand-alone systems to maintain and monitor, DairyLink is designed to serve as a single point of control for your operation.


Latest Technology

Designed with durable and advanced components to ensure the system will provide the most data, control, and reliability as possible.


Expandable Platform

The system is linked to remote control stations which allows you to manage almost any piece of equipment or process found in and around the barn.


I/O Link Smart Wiring

Equipped with network connections to reduce install, service, and troubleshooting efforts.


Remote Access & Control

Allows you to be effective on the move by providing a secure connection from a PC or mobile device


Take Control of your Barn

The goal of DairyLink is to have one standard control panel that is infinitely expandable to meet the needs and requirements of today’s commercial dairies. Each system can include all our currently available options or customized with only the add-ons that are suitable to your dairy. 

Dairylink is the only control system that gives you parlor management, monitoring, and alerting all from the palm of your hand.

available options

Parlor Throughput

Provides real-time and historical parlor performance data.


Pen Production Data

Allows producers to capture valuable milk production data in user defined groups.


Conductivity Sensing

To ensure effective CIP chemical is being added each wash cycle, an in-line conductivity sensor is utilized to trace water vs. chemical ratios.


Fly Spray

Automatic fly spray application that is used to mitigate fly populations inside the parlor and on the cow.


On-Farm Blending

Provides real-time and historical parlor performance data.



Automatic walkover teat sprayer for both pre and post spray applications.


Barn Wash

Tested and proven stable of Automated’s previous systems that takes full control of the tank and pipeline wash.


Automatic Crowd Gate

This option is designed to improve throughput, reduce labor, and provide a consistent loading atmosphere for cows.


Automatic Fan Control

Control, adjust and monitor fans and lighting from one location.


Motor Monitoring

Collect data on motors performance and diagnose failure issues before they happen.


Well Control

Provides water storage levels and maintains designated level in tanks.


Automatic Flush Control

Allows producers to optimize and customize parlor flush systems.

Mask group (60)


DairyWash is a standalone system that gives you an automated and cost-effective way to take control of your pipeline and tank wash systems. This non-expandable system is simple, yet effective, parlor CIP system comes with an all-in-one control panel ready for field connections.

What is it?

DairyWash is a standalone system that gives you an automated and cost-effective way to take control of your pipeline and tank wash systems. This non-expandable system is simple, yet effective, parlor CIP system comes with an all-in-one control panel ready for field connections.  

Our system dispenses chemicals with precision and accuracy every time ensuring the removal of milk deposits from all contact points and giving your dairy a superior quality product through your pipeline and tanks for every milking. 

  • Custom settings to optimize wash time
  • Accurate and complete CIP cleaning
  • Sanitizing wash
  • Displays history, temperature trends, milk production, wash cycles, system bypasses, alarms, and much more
  • Phone alerts
  • Changes made remotely
  • Touchscreen design

DairyWash also features a deck and floor flush controls. 

This system is designed, engineered, and manufactured for your unique parlor no matter the size of the operation.

DairyLink vs DairyWash


Designed as a smart barn system for increased performance and reduced hardwiring.

State-of-the-art I/O link digital temp and level sensors

Two HMI control stations

Ethernet VFD Vat drive

Modular Ethernet valve stacks

Remote connectively and alarming. 

DairyLink uses upgraded technology that provides greater control, accuracy, alerting, and reduced install/maintenance complexity and labor.


Intended to utilize existing, or purchased, RTD temp sensors or standard Anderson 4-20MA analog level sensors

Requires more sensor hardwiring to install and maintain

Requires recalibration to remain accurate

DairyWash utilizes robust controls and proven hardware but older technology and isn’t expandable beyond pipeline and tank washes.

I/O Link vs Analog

Moves data digitally rather than analog

Allows sensors, VFD’s, flow meters, and other equipment to read actual numbers rather than scaling an electrical signal and converting to digital

Better accuracy in readings and more control

No need for skilled technicians to calibrate sensors (sensors reset each time silo is emptied)

If I/O Link sensor fails, it can be quickly and easily replaced because settings for each silo is stored on the DairyLink and automatically downloaded to new sensor

Ethernet vs Hardwire

Allows for large amounts of data to pass over a single CAT5 wire rather than individual electrical wires

Reduced install costs and reduced maintenance due to less wiring to troubleshoot

Networked devices allow users to quickly troubleshoot issues by pinpointing the error to the PLC


DairyTank is a standalone PLC that is used to only monitor tank levels and/or tank temperatures. The system can not be expanded and is limited to just monitoring of vertical or horizontal tanks/silos.  

Mask group (69)

What is it?

DairyTank is a standalone PLC that is used to only monitor tank levels and/or tank temperatures. The system can not be expanded and is limited to just monitoring of vertical or horizontal tanks/silos.  

  • Alerts operators of full tanks/silos or truck capacity levels
  • Four-inch touchscreen allows users to self-adjust calibration
  • Outputs can control agitators based on level and hot milk alarms
DairyLink Total parlor control system. Advanced CIP control along with add-on options.
  • PLC Controller
  • (1) 15in. HMI for breezeway
  • (1) 10in. HMI for milkhouse
  • (2) tank I/O link sensors
  • (2) tank level I/O link sensors
  • (1) plate temp I/O link sensor
  • (1) networked VAT VFD
  • (32) networked air valve controllers
  • All smart sensors and VAT VFD control
  • Streamlined install (only network and 24VDC)
  • Networked valve stacks
  • (Expandable platform
DairyWash Control system for standard parlor CIP (2 silos and a pipeline)
  • PLC controller
  • (1) 10in. HMI
  • (4) analog inputs
  • (4) RTD inputs
  • (16) digital Inputs
  • (48) digital outputs
  • Adjustable CIP parlor settings
  • Intelligent agitation control
  • Deck flush and floor flush control
DairyTank Used to monitor tank levels and or tank temperatures
  • PLC controller
  • (1) 4in. HMI screen
  • (4) analog inputs
  • (4) RTD inputs
  • (4) 24VDC outputs
  • HMI allows users to self-adjust calibration
  • Outputs can control agitators based on levels and hot milk alarms